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Travel Avis Kao Travel Avis Kao

My First Solitary Road Trip

For Christmas this year I decided to go on one last road trip and this time I was going solo. I have been on many road trips over the years with friends and family but never by myself. So I decided to give myself the gift of liberation for Christmas and it was exhilarating. I had the wind in my hair, my favourite musics on shuffle, fantastic weather for driving and all the time in the world to get to my destination. To give it extra points, it was a place I have never been to before. It was just me, my little car and a map to guide my way. I stopped wherever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I got to pick whichever music that struck my mood and sang along at the top of my lungs without fear of judgment. I enjoyed every moment of it and drank in the scenery belonging to the beautiful country I call home.

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